March 2021 Newsletter
Mar 3, 2021

2020 CORE Spirit Award Winner
Each year the CORE team comes together to select one individual they feel embodies the CORE Spirit. This individual displays an unwavering determination and selfless commitment to CORE’s organization and values.
The votes have been tallied and the winner of the 2020 CORE Spirit Award is (drumroll please)…Nate Caro! Nate has been a part of the CORE program since 2019 and his commitment to his recovery and inspiring that same commitment in others makes him the ideal candidate for this award.
Congratulations Nate! Keep up all of your hard work!

Cookie Grams Thank you to everyone that participated in this year’s Valentine’s Day Cookie Gram fundraiser! We sold out pretty quickly and were able to raise $300 for the CORE Foundation, beating our total from last year’s candy grams. Thank you all for sharing some love this Valentine’s Day! |


St. Patrick’s Day Fun
Last year’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities were interrupted by the pandemic, but this year we’ve got plenty of fun planned throughout the week of 3/15-3/19! Be on the lookout for some shamrock shenanigans in the gym.

CORE Beyond C.H.A.M.P.
This month we’d like to recognize Sergio for encouraging clients to do more with their program! Thanks for keeping everyone motivated Sergio!
New CORE Team Member
Many of you have seen Dana around the gym, in FIT classes, or out on the Trail, but you’ll be seeing a lot more of her starting in March! Kaity will be on maternity leave starting March 15th, so Dana will be taking over the front desk for all of your administrative and scheduling needs!