July 2021 newsletter
Jul 19, 2021

In honor of Independence Day, CORE will be closed Saturday, July 3rd, and Monday, July 5th. |

10 Years of Moving Beyond Paralysis
On August 11th we’ll be celebrating CORE’s 10 year anniversary, and of course we plan on going all out with Spirit Week! Be on the lookout for this year’s themes for dress up days, activities, and (maybe the best thing of all) Trainer Payback.

Welcome CORE’s Newest Trainers to the Team Meet Eric & Lexi, the newest members of the CORE training team! You’ll see them around the gym and getting involved in training programs. |
Strong to the CORE Winner All throughout June clients and team members faced off in the Strong to the CORE sit up challenge. Clients came in early and stayed after sessions, techs used every second they could to get those sit ups in, and the numbers really added up for both sides. The clients put in a valiant effort with 17,367 sit ups, but were no match for the team, who finished with a grand total of 17,561 sit ups. Congrats to the winners, and way to work on those 6 packs! |

New Equipment
Along with some new faces, you’ll see some new equipment in the gym! We’ve updated our Alter G and added a second NXpro.
The new and improved Alter G has Stride Smart Gait Analytics that measures the effects of gravitational loading and unloading while providing simple, direct visual feedback on gait symmetry as well as other data to improve our client’s experience.
The NXpro Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation (INS) technology is one device with three ways to treat:
1. Neuro Reboot: Helps implement a parasympathetic state and is shown to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve sleep, and improve overall recovery.
2. Pain Management: Identifies the root of the pain, treats the dysfunctional tissue and trains the body to conduct movement in the optimal biomechanical route.
3. Neuromuscular Deficiency: Increases the amount nervous system neurotransmitters are used to perform the exercise while both lengthening and contracting the muscle.
Ask your trainer if INS technology is an appropriate fit for you at your next training session!
Contact CORE today to learn more!

CORE Beyond C.H.A.M.P. This month we’d like to recognize Dylan for his commitment to challenging his clients in new ways, whether it is by teaching a young client how to ride a bicycle for the first time or getting his feet wet by taking his sessions to the water with our Aqua Program. Not only does he give 110% with his clients, but he has also helped grow our Internship Program. Interns under Dylan’s have raved about their learning experiences at CORE and have left with an appreciation for the world of neurorecovery. Way to go, Dyl! |
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