A Mother’s Perspective (Misty and Kendall)
Jan 6, 2021
A few months ago we gave you a glimpse into our pediatric activity-based training program with some parental insight. This month we’d like to go a little deeper into the differences between CORE’s activity-based training program and traditional therapy from a mother’s point of view with Misty and Kendall.
After a spinal cord stroke, Misty took her daughter, Kendall, to participate in inpatient therapy for eight weeks in Chicago. “The facility did a very good job getting her out of her chair and doing gait training and functional electrical stimulation, as well as helping her learn to do self care and utilize her chair as effectively as possible,” says Misty. Once Kendall’s eight weeks of inpatient therapy was up, she began 12 hours a week of outpatient physical and occupational therapy at the same facility. She spent the beginning of her outpatient time in serial casting, so her therapists focused on upper body strengthening, with just a few hours a week of standing. When casting was over, she spent about half of her weekly sessions working on wheelchair skills. Kendall has a high level of tone and tightness and was told by her therapists that they would focus on wheelchair skills because her tone was too hard to work through.
During this time Misty found a network of parents through different support groups. Many of the parents informed her of activity-based restorative therapy, so she did what any parent would, asked for recommendations and started doing her research. “I had several people suggest checking out CORE. We did a video tour and quickly felt a connection,” she says. Shortly after the virtual tour, Misty and Kendall decided to make the trip from Chicago to Orlando to start an intensive training program at CORE.
“Kendall and I both noticed a difference in the mindset of her CORE trainers immediately.” Unlike in her physical therapy sessions, Kendall is out of her chair during each and every session, pushing past her tone with innovative trainers and exercises, in an environment that is far different from a hospital or medical facility.
“As a mother, it is such a wonderful feeling to know your child is cared for and supported by a group of people that want her to recover and heal in every way,” Misty shared. “If I could give advice to any parent with a child that has a spinal cord injury or any neurological condition, I would tell them to be sure that their child is getting out of their chair at therapy and being pushed to make connections between their brain and body. I truly believe that with innovative trainers and equipment, as well as hard work and prayer, they can make tremendous recovery.” Kendall continues to work hard during every hour in the gym, spurring herself forward to reach her highest potential.
Thank you Misty for your advice, viewpoint, and kind words about our team. We can’t wait to see the great strides that Kendall will make!